Saturday 27 March 2010

how authentic.

Okay so I was in desperate need of a chunky knit & had looked in all the usual stores, resulting in finding fack alll. So my friend suggested we check out some vintage stores around our local town which are known for being pretty good & i came across this beauty. It was only £10 so was defiantely a must to start off my clearing out of the wardrobe to embark on a vintage journey. And so I have decided from here on out when I get some moneys I'm definately prioritising searching charity shops, vintage stores & carboots before i hit the highstreet.

-C .x


  1. I really like that jumper, & you wear it so perfectly! I'm very proud to be your first follower, these pictures are just lovely.

  2. ahh thankyou soo much, means alot! spread the word of my blog if you can, ha<3
